Virtual keyboard input, using mouse

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    Is it impossible to enter keyboard keys when using virtual desktop?
    It would be nice if keybord input was possible. It’s inconvenient to take off the hmd every time I type a letter.
    How about making a virtual keyboard and making it clickable with the mouse?
    It will be useful like that of steam or Windows 10.


    It would be nice to have a virtual keyboard like this. The keyboard on my laptop could be better.


    Just stumbled upon this thread, and it caught my attention. The idea of having a virtual keyboard that’s clickable with the mouse sounds pretty cool! I totally get the inconvenience of taking off the HMD every time you need to type something. While browsing online, I came across a solution called Infra Keyboard. It claims to provide virtual keyboard input without the need for physical keys. It might be worth checking out if you’re looking for a more seamless typing experience in virtual desktop environments.

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