Vive/Skyrim issues

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    Hi all,

    I’m having an issue with Skyrim and VorpX not saving settings with Vive.

    Now maybe I simply don’t understand the software yet, but after configuring and saving settings in-game, I often have to redo them when transitioning during fast travel or starting a new game. I did the FOV 120 120 and saveini and that seems to hold but other settings do not such as the 2D/3D adjustments. Is this a known bug or am I simply missing something? Not too worried as it’s right out of the gate with the Vive development and I don’t expect perfection, but wanted to ask.


    There have been a handful of similar reports regarding vorpX settings not saving correctly. Since the way this is done has changed significantly recently to a database driven system, there might be a load/save issue that affects certain configurations. Might have to do with unusual or for some reason malformed user directory paths.

    Could you please start a few games, then create a trouble shooting data archive in the config app and send that to support |at| vorpx com. That would allow me to check whether settings can be loaded correctly in the first place.


    Will do. I play a -LOT- of Skyrim so if you need anything on that front/besides this issue, I’ll be glad to lend a hand.

    I’ll figure out how to set up/save that file, put some time in and have you the results by tomorrow.

    Thanks Ralf, much appreciated.


    Hey, I bought skyrim yesterday and tried it with the vive…but got motion sick like 10 minutes into the game. What did you change to make it less dizzy? I just used the game optimizer option


    Zooming out was a big improvement for me visually but I seem to be among the lucky ones immune to motion sickness.I set mine zoomed back until the bottom of the screen just barely avoids seperating into a ‘movie screen. Somewhere in the 60 range.

    Also, I back the 3D enhancement functions all the way off. You still get a very 3D view without shrinking.making characters look small. I’m sure there are more but I’m still just learning myself.


    You do not have to use any of the fov enhancement functions for Skyrim. The FOV can be adjusted to the recommended value by pressing the “Aadjust FOV” button in the vorpX menu.

    Alternatively you can use other values by typing fov 120 (or any other value) into the game’s console. The console can be opened with the tilde key (the one below ESC).

    I would generally recommend not to tweak too much. You can very easily cause more damage than good. Adjusting FOV and head tracking sensitivity normally is all that has to be done.


    In my version (French), click on the button “Adujst FOV” it’s does nothing because it is written in console “Fov &éà” instead of “Fov 120”


    Looks like CAPS LOCK (Verr Maj) is active on your keyboard so that the shift+key values are written into the console. Deactivating CAPS LOCK should solve this.

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