VJoy and X360ce don't work with VorpX

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    I built my own Virtual Reality input device. I use VJoy to make my games(Half life 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Mirror Edge ). consider it as a standard Joystick. Everything works perfectly without VorpX.

    When I run VorpX, nothing work, the input is not received by the game.

    If I use JoyToKey to transform the Input into keyboard input, it works in Half life 2 but not in Left 4 dead 2.

    What’s the problem? Is there a workaround?

    Thank you


    vorpX has it’s own fully configurable gamepad emulation that may override the same functions that the other programs override.

    You can check whether it’s enabled for the games in question and try disabling it if that’s the case. Please note that for some games it may be required to have this enabled.


    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I disabled the gamepad override in the “delete button option menu” and restarted the application, but it didn’t change anything

    Is there something else I can do?


    Adding the additional utilities’ main .exes to the exclude list in the vorpX config app might be worth a try. Other than that I’m out of ideas, I’m afraid.


    Okay thank you, it doesn’t seem to work either.

    I forgot to say I use X360ce to emulate Xbox 360 gamepad (which override xinput1_3.dll)

    everything works right in the x360ce test program(even when launched in parallel when the games are running with VorpX). Everything also work right ingame when I don’t start VorpX in the games.

    Maybe there is a known issue with this program and VorpX?


    X360CE seems to be regularly used by others in conjunction with vorpX, you can find multiple threads mentioning it here on the forum. Maybe one of those those threads can give you a hint in the right direction.

    You may also be able to configure vorpX’s internal gamepad emultation for your needs instead of using an extra tool. It offers the most imprtant things that programs like X-Padder offer built directly into vorpX. That would be totally unsupported for your custom input device though.


    Apparently everyone seems to use X360ce to disable the right stick not to emulate inputs

    Do you know if anyone managed to emulate an input correctly in combination with VorpX?

    Thank you


    As much as I would like to help you, I really can’t say anything else than above. Sorry. You normally can use external tools like X-Padder etc. if you wish. You may also be able to setup vorpX’s internal gamepad emulation (which basically is a bare bones version of what Xpadder etc. do) for your custom input device, which would be completely unsupported though.

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