Vorpx 9.0, terrible.

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Vorpx 9.0, terrible.

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  • #90634

    Does not work, waited months without using vorpx and finally got my hands on the 9.0 version.

    Game will load for 5-10 seconds then freeze, for every single game.
    It’s not an internal issue but external (Vorpx), disabled everything that isn’t windows essential one by one. Nothing.

    Windows 10 user.

    Waste of money, unprofessional company.


    Does not work, waited months without using vorpx and finally got my hands on the 9.0 version.

    Game will load for 5-10 seconds then freeze, for every single game.
    It’s not an internal issue but external (Vorpx), disabled everything that isn’t windows essential one by one. Nothing.

    Windows 10 user.

    Waste of money, unprofessional company.

    Are you playing with a potato? What game are you having issues with?


    I think I found his main problem right here:
    “Windows 10 user.”

    So yeah sounds like Windows 10 basically sucks. Ouch. Switch to Windows 7 and live happy.


    Hi, I have windows 10 pro 64 bit and I have no problems.
    Everything works well and I find that with windows 10 games are more fluid.

    I tested many games yesterday and everything works.

    I even had a dual boot (win7 and win 10) and I removed win 7 so I trust and win 10 vorpx 0.9.


    Does not work, waited months without using vorpx and finally got my hands on the 9.0 version.

    Game will load for 5-10 seconds then freeze, for every single game.
    It’s not an internal issue but external (Vorpx), disabled everything that isn’t windows essential one by one. Nothing.

    Windows 10 user.

    Waste of money, unprofessional company.

    You can’t realistically just say vorpx .9 sucks when there are others reporting it works fine. First question I have to ask is what about your system? ATI? Nvidia? Try disabling UAC completely and see if that helps.


    I think I found his main problem right here:
    “Windows 10 user.”

    So yeah sounds like Windows 10 basically sucks. Ouch. Switch to Windows 7 and live happy.

    agreed, i switched like an idiot, im going back to win 7 for now. and from what i have read game frame rates are slightly less in win 10.

    . what specs are your pc?

    have you had any trouble before the oculus updates? aswell as vorpx update?

    and to say “Waste of money, unprofessional company.” dude you spend your money yourself. you cannot blame Ralf for that. HE (the company) has produced a piece of software that to me at least has made the oculus worth using at all.

    £300 for a headset with imo a crap load of crap demos that last all of five minutes. less than a handfull of games that are native and then there is vorpx with countless games from 1066 to 2015 that run flawlessly.

    Ralf is a one man (vr god) operation that works very hard every day developing the only program of its cailber. he answers forum posts contantly. and receives peoples ignorance because they cannot set up their hardware properly.
    you bought a development kit that requires quite some messing around to get working and you are complaining like a noob consumer about a program that needs just as much setting up to get working.
    disabling unessential programs does not prove its vorpx fault, it could still be the oculus runtime, or your graphics drivers.


    Does not work, waited months without using vorpx and finally got my hands on the 9.0 version.

    Game will load for 5-10 seconds then freeze, for every single game.
    It’s not an internal issue but external (Vorpx), disabled everything that isn’t windows essential one by one. Nothing.

    Windows 10 user.

    Waste of money, unprofessional company.

    Are you playing with a potato? What game are you having issues with?

    Tested on home desktop and travel gaming laptop;

    Home desktop; Core i7 5930K, MSIx99A M.B. , Corsair 1500W, AMD 390x Fury

    Traveling laptop; MSI GS70 stealth pro; Intel i7 6700HQ, GTX970M graphics card.


    Have you checked that your vorpx configuration options are the way how they should be?

    Can you launch vorpx desktop app?


    “Waste of money, unprofessional company.”

    Really annoys me when someone comes on here and totally puts down a product that has been an amazing piece of software for many of us for quiet a while now.
    If you saw post upon post saying the same thing you could argue this, but you don’t.
    Instead of just calling it crap try asking for help as it’s possibly something you have done wrong or your pc setup.

    either way it’s a very unfair assessment and not helpful..


    Well, I must say that first time, since I own VorpX, everything I tried from the supported game list to play, works (no dialogue boxes, no black screens, etc.). Moreover, while we are waiting minecrift to be updated for runtime 0.7+, game works in VorpX very good and fast (no 3d though)…

    I am on Win10…


    Though I myself have not had much luck getting this to work on DK1, the level of communication from the developer (here and on reddit) has been amazing.

    I wish more developers were this active and helpful.

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