VorpX cant attache to my games

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  • #171903

    Every times when I try to Play a game with vorpX this happens:

    Attaching to bf4.exe

    This takes quiete a while. If you suspect the program hangs or you
    donĀ“t want to use vorpX with do it, click the according button.

    Add To Exclude List CloseProgramm Do Nothing

    And also vorpX dosnt opens Steam Vr even when I select It in the configurations of vorpX.

    Hope you can help me.


    Probably an injection conflict with some other program on your PC that also hooks into games or prevents vorpX from doing so.

    Typical candidates are overzealous virus scanners, any sort of CPU/GPU utility, chat applications, video recording/streaming software and generally everything that can display notifications in games.

    Best way to troubleshoot this is to disable/uninstall programs that are running in the background.

    If that does not help, please check the trouble shooting guide in the vorpX help for some additional information.


    Thanks :D
    Just reistalled win 10
    So now It should work… BUT I rached the Downloadlimit ):

    (This account has reached the limit of 3 download(s))

    Hope you can help me :)

    Email (fschill@mail.ru)


    No problem. You can get a download link here.


    Thank you so much it finally works :D <3

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