VorpX Config wont launch

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  • #111926

    Recently purchased. Anytime i try to load VorpX Config it just crashes. I’ve disabled my virus scanner, added vorpx and all its executables and folder to the exclude list. Reinstalled Vorpx, Reinstalled oculus. Reinstalled Vive. Disabled all monitors but main monitor. Still get “vorpConfig has stopped working. Windows is collecting more information about the problem. This might take several minutes.” Every time i try to run VorpX Configuration from the shortcut or the icon in the taskbar. No games I’ve tried have worked and I cant get into the config to try to change settings.

    OS: Windows 10, Video Card: EVGA GTX FTW 1080.
    I’ve emailed support but still no response.


    That sounds pretty much like a severe injection conflict. For testing purposes please try to actually uninstall any antivirus software except for Windows own Defender. Some AV programs (slightly disturbingly) cannot be fully disabled without actually uninstalling them.

    Please also make sure to disable all other programs that run hidden in the background. Quite a few programs also hook into games and can cause a conflict with vorpX. This is especially true for any potential GPU/CPU utility, chat program, video recording/streaming software and similar things. To be really sure the best way to trouble shoot is closing down everything that is running in the background.

    In addition to that please check whether maybe your DotNet 3.5 installation is corrupt, which could cause the config app error:


    The only antivirus software I use is windows defender. That is currently shut off.
    Also my don.net 3.5 installation is fine. (Still ran the .net repair but no change, built a simple C# app that targets .net 3.5 and it the release executable run just fine).
    I’ve killed nearly every possible killable running process (http://imgur.com/a/39DEC Screen cap of current running processes) Still same crash.


    having the same issue, did you ever get it resolved?


    Nope. Still same issue haven’t got anything working. I know my .net is working and there are no background processes running that would cause issues.


    Is there maybe a log file or something that is generated on launch that might have the reason why the program fails in it? Been 10 days and it feels like I’ve just thrown away $40.


    If you are using an Oculus, which is the preconfigured device, you can use vorpX right away without access to the config app. There are a few things that you don’t have access to this way (most notably the Game Settings Optimizer and cloud profiles), but the base vorpX functionality does not require the config app at all.

    As soon as vorpX is running (indicated by a tray icon in the task bar), vorpX hooks into games when you launch them and loads profiles for known games. For this main functionality the config app is not required.

    For games that have Game Optimizer support for adjusting the FOV, there is a bit more manual work involved in this regard though, e.g. editing an .ini file manually or using Flawless Widescreen.

    If possible you can often find specific instructions for adjusting a game’s FOV in the PC Gaming Wiki. In cases where there is no way to do this, please use one of the workarounds described in the vorpX help (e.g. the quick and dirty “1-2-3 Game Setup”).

    Not ideal, but this way you can use vorpX almost entirely without access to the config app.

    If you are using a Vive, there is an additional manual step required first:

    1. Open C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Animation Labs\vorpX\vorpX.ini in a text editor
    2. Change sDeviceName=OculusRiftCV1 to sDeviceName=HTCViveCV1


    Tried this and still no luck

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