Last week I installed “VorpX” to enjoy VR in my “Oculus Rift” headset For convenience, I made the shortcut appear in the taskbar near the clock (notification center ) I started by reading your Guide for New Users, as well as many posts on your forum.
Being myself a programmer (but not game software), I know the importance of getting information before notifying anomalies.
Once this step was completed, I tested the software on 2 train simulators: “TS Classic” and “TSW3”
Congratulations by the way, for your work: the immersion in “Full VR mode” is very successful
But, keeping a VR headset on your head for more than 2 hours is quite painful
So I decided to quit VorpX cleanly and restart the game in normal mode.
(right click on the “vorpX Control” icon > Exit > Confirm with OK)
With TSW3, the game behaved normally. Unfortunately, with TS Classic, I encountered a small problem: In the cabin view, it was no longer possible for me to orient my view with the mouse! (by default, you perform a held right click to move your gaze inside the driver’s cabin)
In fact, the trackIR of your software had remained abnormally connected…
I explain the problem on the Steam forum concerning this simulator
(with temporary workaround to fix this issue)
I hope you may find the solution to this inconvenience? Good day
Soory for my bad english, i only speak french…