VorpX Downlaod limit

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  • #97762

    I keep getting messages about how I gonna be blocked from program because I have installed it on too many pc’s but, that is not true. I have only one pc in my household that only belongs to to me and can run the oculus on it. So I have checks on the system when the system breaks then I have to reset it later. I have ONLY installed VorpX on this computer none other. What I ask is please remove those messages telling me the program will be voided because this program was a gift from my uncle and I honestly cannot buy this program as I don’t have a credit card or the money. After I got this program I actually read all your terms of use and agreements I must comply on.


    Assuming you mean a licensing hint that you may have received in an activation mail: these hints are added routinely when you activate very often or quite often in a short amount of time.


    So what can be done about the situation Mr.Keymaster because I would really like to resolve it?


    There is nothing that has to be done. These hints are added routinely when you activate very often or quite often in a short amount of time.

    If you need another download link, please send an e-mail to support |at| vorpx com, like outlined in the FAQ on top of this sub forum.

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