VorpX — Is it worth it?

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    I was all excited when i learned about this program but after watching a couple videos that bash it im kinda on the fence about purchasing it. Mainly interested on playing GTA V, Alien, Doom 2016, and Fallout 4. Do these games run good? Do I lose the HUD? Is it worth it?


    What answer do you expect on the official vorpX support forum? You don’t loose the HUD in any game, but in games where vorpX can’t scale the HUD, you will need to use vorpX’s EdgePeek function to look at parts of the HUD in screen corners. EdgePeek let’s you briefly zoom out and back by clicking the mousewheel.

    The games you are interested in run as follows feature wise (G3D means “true” 3D with two cameras, Z3D means Z-Buffer 3D, which doesn’ look as good, but is a lot faster).

    1. Fallout 4: G3D/Z3D, positional tracking, FOV adjustable ingame, scalable HUD, as close it gets to a native game with injected VR.
    2. Alien Isolation: G3D/Z3D, positional tracking, FOV adjustable via ini tweak
    3. GTA V: Z3D, FOV adjustable via external tool (Flawless Widescreen)
    4. Doom: not supported, but runs in unsupported mode (2D only), FOV adjustable ingame.

    And BTW: don’t believe everything you see on YouTube. I am aware of at least one recent vorpX video there where the main complaint of the “reviewer” that he talks about most of the time (no 3d) is plain and simple not true. Kind of unbelievable the whole thing. Modern times, I guess…


    ok cool thnx for responding. does it lower the graphics at all? and when u say it runs faster is there lag otherwise?


    You can (and should) adjust the graphics according to how fast your PC is, just like with monitor gaming.

    In general you should be aware that playing games with vorpX can be more demanding than playing them on a monitor. Especially in Geometry 3D mode where everything has to be rendered twice. So compared to monitor gaming you may need to lower a game’s graphics settings to get VR compatible frame rates – at least for more recent games.


    do you have a tutorial I can read to learn more about program?


    A few videos probably say more than a thousand words. There are literally dozens more showing almost every popular game out there.



    ok i wanna purchase this program. Would you help me with any problems I run into?


    is there any chance is I do something wrong with the program it can screw up my vr set?


    so i just got my oculus rift yesterday. i wanna get vorpx. Can it mess up my headset if I do something wrong with vorpx? Can I still play Oculus store games?


    Yes, you still can play Oculus store games. vorpX is a just a normal program, it does nothing unless it is started. So you just have to exit vorpX when want to play Oculus store games.

    Be aware though that vorpX requires some basic computer knowledge. If you are a very inexperienced computer user, which is a little bit the impression I get from your posts, vorpX may not be the right thing for you.


    what kind of computer knowledge? For something this cool Im willing to learn.


    is there somewhere on this forum you can link?


    The first two videos a few posts above in this thread show how vorpX is used in detail. If you understand what they are explaining, you’re good.

    To be honest, I’m not really sure amymore if you are serious or maybe just trolling in a very weird way. If all the information available here on this website and in the videos above does not help you to see how vorpX works, I somehow doubt I can properly explain it to you. Sorry.

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