I’m using Garry’s mod but between the Oculus 6.0 runtime being screwed up, downgrading to 5, reinstalling Vorpx a few times, but I can’t get it to engage. It DOES ask windows permission to use vorp control to modify the hard drive and I hit YES. I start steam as admin, vorpx as admin, the game shortcut as admin but it never engages. The resolution is screwed up (like when looking at desktop with oculus) and DEL doesn’t bring up the game menu. (I really think vorpx just isn’t launching alongside the game even though the icon is really there (and I doublecheck to make sure I get the “vorpx is already running” message.
Thoughts? Should I try downgrading to 4.1. runtime? I had success then. Or is it possible that STEAM VR is screwing up something. (Anarchy Arcade doesn’t work anymore VR wise )
EDIT: I should mention, a game like Just Cause 2 comes up and works just fine it seems.