vorpX no longer working after factory reset, Win10

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    Hi all, vorpX use to work perfectly until my Oculus software puked out with a blank screen. I turned in a ticket with Oculus and we worked through a few things, but ultimately I just reset Windows 10 to default, reinstalled the new Nvidia drivers for my 980ti, reinstalled the Oculus software (brand new), then reinstalled vorpX. (also brand new 17.1.0) Long story short, after the vorpX install, I rebooted my PC, verified the Oculus was working, then tried the vorpX Desktop Viewer and it came up saying “vorpX Desktop Viewer is already running.” No games will work with vorpX, and just to test things, I verified that SteamVR will work as well. This is totally clean install front to back, the only thing I’ve installed has been Steam, Oculus software, vorpX, and new Nvidia drivers. Any idea what would be going on? I’m happy my Oculus is back up, but without vorpX I can’t enjoy my old games! Thank you for reading. :)


    I did manage to get several games working, now it appears the only thing that isn’t working is the Desktop Viewer. Still unsure what’s causing that if someone could lend a hand when they can. Thanks again. :)

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