Vorpx not active in game?

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    Hey, the only thing i got working with vorpx so far is ARMA 3 (and the image is too zoomed in for some reason) All the other games i have tried like skyrim, fallout NV, red orchestra 2, dont seem to activate vorpx. When the game starts i cant get the menu to come up by pressing delete. im using the rift DK2 in extended mode and launching them through steam while the DK2 is set to primary display, also the i set up the vorpx config to the same as the Dk2 guide PLEASE HELP Does anyone have these games working on a optimus laptop?

    Alienware 14
    GeForce GTX 765m
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
    8.00 GB RAM
    Windows 7


    I have gotten Portal 2 and FarCry 4 (sort of) but I cannot get skyrim, bioshock, or fallout nv working. I know that its not hooked in because I cannot get the in game menu to show up. it looks like the desktop does thru the rift. (zoomed in and offset to the sides a little) and head tracking wont work either.

    Apparently there is some way to disable optimus with fn+f5 on Alienwares but that combination is muted and it is brightness control instead on my laptop >__< I don’t know how to disable optimus any other way either

    Alienware m14x R2
    Geforce 650m
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
    8.00 gb RAM
    Windows 7

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