Skyrim: In case you use any mods, please try a fresh and modless (vanilla) install first, and install your mods again one by one afterwards. The vast majority of mods will work fine with vorpX, but there are so many of them that it is impossible to tell whether some might cause issues. Mods that use the Skyrim Script Extender or ‘ENB mods’ are likely candidates for causing trouble.
For Far Cry 3 the following things might be worth to check:
1. Disable the in-game overlay in Uplay, otherwise you might get a black screen on startup.
2. Switch from DX9 to DX11 or vice versa. Maybe one works better for you.
3. The game sometimes seems to require several tries until vorpX hooks correctly unfortunately. Starting the game multiple times should suffice, you probably do not have to restart vorpX.
Generally please check for the following things (some of that you might have done already):
1. Just in case: make sure that you run vorpX Control, not vorpX Config. It shows a tray icon in the taskbar when it is running.
2. If you use more than one monitor, check whether disconnecting the additional monitor(s) helps.
3. Make sure to set Windows display config to clone mode and vorpX monitor config to ‘Use system settings’ (which is the default).
4. If still nothing works after verifying that, there is a high probability that something on your PC interferes with vorpX. This might be a virus scanner, anything that can show content over games (for example chat programs like Skype, Mumble, X-Fire, Evolve etc.), or a special display driver. Please disable all such programs temporarily.
5. If you didn’t do that already, please take a look at the trouble shooting sticky above.
If you still have similar issues with multiple games afterwards, please write a mail to support |at| vorpx com for some individual trouble shooting, including basic system specs and the games you tried.