vorpX is mainly programmed in C++ (main application) and C# (config app and a few backend tools), also a bit of PHP on the server side.
The profile authoring is done via an ingame GUI that contains the most important/common options. Some things were left out to keep this GUI as comprehensible as possible.
So, no programming language involved. But to create a profile from scratch you still need a grasp of what matrices, buffers, shaders etc. technically mean in the context of Direct3D. So you should have at least a little insight into the inner workings of computer graphics.
Personally I programmed my first 3D-“engine” almost 20 years ago (getting old I guess, feels like yesterday…) in Macromedia Director, which really wasn’t meant for that at all back then, and without any of that fancy D3D/OpenGL stuff that does half the work. Every polygon carefully hand-transformed so to speak. ;) You don’t need to go that far though.