Vorpx Tells me each launch to disable Vsync – but its off as far as I can tell.

Homepage Forums Technical Support Vorpx Tells me each launch to disable Vsync – but its off as far as I can tell.

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  • #193810

    Hey everyone,

    Just had a Q if this is a bug or something i need to fix. So, with any game i plan on playing on vorpx i always turn off Vsync on initial boot before even launching into vorpx, back out when i think settings are good then launch with Vorpx.

    I recently got an AMD RX5600XT card – i have always had nvidia before and Nvidia you could easily access the control panel – go to program settings – and select Vsync to “off”; never got this message by following that protocol

    Now every game i start is telling me to disable Vsync on my new card – but as far as i can tell, the only open in AMD to disable Vysc is in Alt+R – go to Gaming tab and turn off “wait for vertical refresh”… i dont see anything else mentioning Vsync and I have it set to “always off”.

    Am i just getting a bug or is this common for amd users?

    Thank you for any help and, as always, thank you, Ralf, for the awesome program!

    Take care everyone and be safe!


    For AMD cards vorpX can’t check the global VSync state, so as precaution the message is always shown.

    On a sidenote: vorpX typically circumvents Vsync and uses its own frame timing instead, so unless a game has some hardcoded FPS limit you can ignore VSync settings anyway in most cases (>90%). Whenever possible vorpX handles it on its own.

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