Hey everyone,
Just had a Q if this is a bug or something i need to fix. So, with any game i plan on playing on vorpx i always turn off Vsync on initial boot before even launching into vorpx, back out when i think settings are good then launch with Vorpx.
I recently got an AMD RX5600XT card – i have always had nvidia before and Nvidia you could easily access the control panel – go to program settings – and select Vsync to “off”; never got this message by following that protocol
Now every game i start is telling me to disable Vsync on my new card – but as far as i can tell, the only open in AMD to disable Vysc is in Alt+R – go to Gaming tab and turn off “wait for vertical refresh”… i dont see anything else mentioning Vsync and I have it set to “always off”.
Am i just getting a bug or is this common for amd users?
Thank you for any help and, as always, thank you, Ralf, for the awesome program!
Take care everyone and be safe!