VorpX Ver. 20.3.0 Released?

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  • #196441

    I just got promoted with an update to ver 20.3.0! Not sure what goodies it packs though since I don’t see any posts mentioning it.

    I hope the performance boost is packed with it, but i couldn’t find the new hooking method unless it’s the default one now.


    The new (potentially faster) headset sync is included, you can switch back to the original method any time in case of issues with it.

    The third hooking method only comes into play when vorpX can determine that hooking into a game failed (e.g. due to some conflict). In such a case you will now see a trouble shooter that among other options let’s you install the new hook helper.

    In case of Read Dead Redemption 2, where it is known to be required since an nVidia driver update some weeks ago, the helper will be installed automatically on first launch.

    Full release notes here:

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