VorpX Wiki

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  • #195502

    Hello guys and girls,

    Ive put my VorpX-Wiki back online today with an easier to handle submission form for everyone who wants to share his knowledge with us.

    Note: The vorpx menu images are from an earlier version and will be updated shortly.


    thanks RJK for everything you are doing for VorpX, from profiles to others things like this wiki ^^



    I’m not 100% sure of how much use the Wiki really is, most things are explained via tooltips in the menu or in the help. Surely can’t hurt though to have an extra reference combined with user tipps. The amount of profiles you did is indeed more than impressive. You know that.

    Re the Wiki I can help out with an explanation of the ‘VR Hotkey Menu’, probably vorpX’s most underused feature ever: you can assign keyboard shortcuts used by games (also vorpX keyboard shortcuts if you want) to any of the 16 buttons. While playing you then open the hotkey menu by holding down SHIFT+MOUSEWHEEL, look at a button and release the mousewheel to execute the action that is assigned to the button you looked at. More complicated to explain than to use, highly useful for games with many keyboard shortcuts. Instead of blindly trying to hit some button on your keyboard you just look at the according button in the hotkey menu.

    BTW: I believe I said that already in some e-mail, but you should really think about a PayPal option for donations. The way you are handling that currently pretty much limits donations to Europeans. Also PayPal is more convenient to use.


    Thanks Ralf, i thought IBAN is international. “International Bank Account Number”. ‘ Guess i have to do something about that.


    International money transfers outside Europe are handled via SWIFT, not via SEPA, which involves extra fees. On top of that bank transfers (Überweisungen) aren’t as commonly used everywhere as they are in Germany.

    Also don’t underestimate the convenience factor: if someone wants to make a donation to you, they have to go to their bank’s website or smartphone app, start a transfer, put in your account details and so on. That’s a huge hurdle for donating a few bucks to someone. Probably too huge in most cases. With PayPal it’s just a few clicks.


    Please everyone feel free to ask questions (and answers if you have them already) through the Wiki submit form. I have added a keyword search as well as a search box für individual search requests today.

    I finally added a Paypal donation button to the website so Tenpenny can send me his bucks too

    “Tenpenny”, wonder if someone got the joke ;-)


    Tenpenny … Fallout 3 … ;-)

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