vorpx won’t hook anymore to many games

Homepage Forums Technical Support vorpx won’t hook anymore to many games

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  • #220372

    alan wake

    kotor 1 e 2

    many games, before i can play it in 3d with vorpx, now, i can’t


    do i must change something? (steam configuration ecc..)


    1. Read the trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum.
    2. Read the trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum.
    3. Revert any changes you made to your PC recently.
    4. Do a factory reset in the vorpX config app.
    5. Get rid of potentially installed third party AV programs, use the built-in Windows Defender instead.


    is strange: many games hooks, but old games like hl2, that is easy to hook, not…

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