Vorpx won’t hook to Halo: MCC

Homepage Forums Technical Support Vorpx won’t hook to Halo: MCC

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  • #205042

    Sadly, I am unable to get Vorpx to hook to Halo: MCC using OpenXR.


    If you happen to use the Microsoft GamePass version, you might be out of luck. Some GamePass games, especially MS first party titles, are compiled Windows Store apps instead of ‘normal’ Win32 programs. Windows Store apps typically run in a sandbox and thus are protected against hooking into them.

    The Steam version is a normal Win32 program and can be hooked.


    I am using the Steam Version of MCC.


    Can’t replicate that here. If you haven’t done so already, please first try both troubleshooting options that appear in the ‘Attaching to…’ dialog after a while, i.e. installing a hook helper and switching to alternative hooking. That can often resolve hooking problems without getting to the bottom of the matter.

    If that doesn’t help, please check for potential conflicts with other programs on your PC. Hooking issues almost always are caused by conflicts with programs that also hook into games. The trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum has more details on the matter.

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