I’m on a pretty fresh windows 10 install, have all the latest updates. Have no anti-virus software, and have added the vorpx webinstaller to the windows defender exclusion list, as well as the folder where vorpx is installed.
After the install finished I got the readme page, but after closing that, nothing. It created the quicklaunch icon, but whenever I try to launch the program, seemingly nothing happens?
Any advice?
Also, I do not have a rift at the moment, nor do I have it installed, so if that is a requirement just to get the software up and running then I suppose this is a no-brainer.
(just in case, any snarky comments about lolz u got no rift y u use this@%?
My rift is tracking to come in the mail tomorrow, I’m trying to get this set up ahead of time since it appears it may take up to 2 days to get an activation code or however this is supposed to work)