Warhammer – Vermintide

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  • #180226

    I saw around this forum that Vermintide should work and it kinda does. But I can´t adjust the hud and there is no Directvr scan. Its hard to play when you can´t see the hud.


    That’s what EdgePeek (middle mouse button, right (or left?) controller thumbstick) is meant for in games where the HUD can’t be scaled. EdgePeek allows you to briefly zoom out and look around the screen. Also useful for menus and cutscenes.

    You can find this and other useful hints also in the ‘Quickstart Guide’ and the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ in the vorpX help. Both heavily recommended reads.


    Thats how I started to play and I kinda getting used to it. I just saw a post somewhere, that ppl could scale the hud. I couldnt get it to work. So I was just curious :)

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