I get this from other thread.
As far as Ive ever used it – I could be wrong, but Vorpx doesnt ‘create’ a SBS image for you to use in Desktop mode. That being said, if the content is SBS (movie or a game with Reshade or Geforce 3d) you can select a setting in the Vorpx Menu while in Desktop Mode under “Image Settings”, go to “Stereo Type” and change to Side by Side.
Again, the -content- has to already be in SBS mode on your monitor for it to create the 3d effect. Thats as far as I know, though. This could not be 100% accurate, but thats what I know about it. Sure someone else can expand on it further, but if youve already got content that is SBS that you want to use, that should make it 3d in the headset.