Watch Dogs left-right glitch with dynamic lights

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  • #173279

    Hi Ralf,

    once again, thanks for the amazing update!!!

    I am playing the Watch Dogs campaign, and driving through the streets of Chicago in VR is simply mind-blowing :-)

    I just wanted to point out a problem which perhaps is specific to my setup (single GTX 1080 Ti card, Oculus Rift, Windows 10, Steam version of the game with UPlay). I’m not sure if it is the same problem that you were referring to in the blog post as “Watch Dogs: shadow glitch fixed”.

    Whenever there are local, dynamic lights (mostly at night, but also during the day if for instance you cause a fire), the illuminated area starts to flicker erratically with a left-right motion. It’s not just the shadows: objects move too, as if the game was randomly switching between the left eye and right eye camera positions.

    It’s a very disorienting effect, and even though I have a very high tolerance for VR-induced motion sickness, I find it quite hard to deal with.

    I have tried changing resolutions, antialiasing, and every single graphics option, but nothing seems to make a difference.

    Any ideas? Has anyone been able to get rid of the glitch? Or am I the only one to have it?


    for me, the same problem.



    Have to check this, it’s not the shadow glitch mentioned in the release notes.


    please repair watch dogs!


    there is still this problem for g3d.


    You’re not the only one to have it. The only solution I’ve found is to never play at night.


    I will be giving Watch Dogs a shot in VR soon.


    If Watch_Dogs has issues, i vote for a fix as well. It’s one of my all-time-favorite games, and i’d like to play it with VorpX in the coming months.


    I’ll take a look at it and see what will be possible.

    General hint: If you encounter a situation in a game where G3D has issues that make it hard it play, you can always switch to Z3D (ALT+K) or turn off 3D (ALT+X) temporarily if switching to Z3D still doesn’t help.

    In this case you could play with G3D at day and then switch to Z3D at night if I can’t find a solution for the night light glitch. Not perfect, but a good workaround.


    hello, can somebody comment if it is currently playable? Here it keeps failing to attach.


    hello, can somebody comment if it is currently playable? Here it keeps failing to attach.

    try alternative hooking method ? in general vorpx setting.

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