Websetup failed

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  • #206359

    When I using websetup to install vorpX, it shows ‘fail’ window 2 times, and get message bleow:

    Downloading one or more additional components failed. Please make sure that Microsoft DotNet 4.6 and the visual C++ Runtime 2015 are installed.
    vorpX will not work correctly without these components.

    I’m sure about that have these components, so what should I do?


    Has to be the latest version of the Visual C++ runtime, they get updated quite frequently by MS. Even if you already have a version of the 2015-2019 runtime installed, it may not be the one that is required.

    Please either check whether you can resolve the download issue (probably some firewall/antivirus thing), or alternatively install it manually from the link below. You need the x86 and the x64 versions:


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