I put this here in the forum because it may affect other games as well and its a definately a weird thing happening. May some of you test this with other games as well.
The situation:
– Titan Quest (Anniversary Edition) DX9
– Playing the Earth Skills, using the exploding Fire ball
– It takes less then 1 second to fly across the screen on a normal monitor
– with vorpx it takes almost 3 seconds for exactly the same distance
– characters are moving normally
– 90/90 FPS
– no studder,no framedrops
– no matter what resolution
– no matter what settings, G3D, Z3D or without a profile
– no matter what screen (immersive was used)
– Windows7, Steam VR 1.9x
– VorpX 20.1.1
The game becomes quite difficult to play up to unplayable in difficult situations in this mode because the monsters always run away before the fireball can hit them. I am afraid this could affect other games as well.
(You would probably only notice this when comparing directly beetween Monitor and VorpX gameplay.)
I have absolutely no explanation for this.
any ideas ?