would be nice to create posing or movements that you can asign as keyboard strokes,
I mean taking your touch coordenates, track them and in that position the keyboard touch will be “any key stroke” customizable by the user.
so you can play the game doing the movements that you want, to do certain actions in the game.
first a calibration system is needed (to calibrate your center) then start to do the movements that you will do for each “keyboard action”. i think that would give replayable value to any game.
then you’re wondering how will we play shooters???
we could try to use the touch positioning like a stick. you calibrate the center of the animation as CAMERA STOP, and when you get further from the zone(you decide the response zone size) then it starts moving faster or slower depending how far you’re from the calibrated center. or.. just play with the vive hmd and you can turn 360 degree to emulate the mouse camera.
do anybody know if theres a software capable of this??