I’ve been a long-time stereoscopic gamer – about 10 years now with TriDef and other tools, so I’m VERY familiar with the performance issues associated with stereoscopic gaming. Despite this, I’m having some huge issues with vorpX that I just wasn’t expecting.
For example, using TriDef and my old AMD R9 390 I was able to run Fallout 4 with all settings except shadows set to Max in true 3D mode (not ZPD, what TriDef called “Power3D”) at 1080p and still maintain a minimum of 30fps. Shadow distance had to be limited to 4000, but other than that, I had to make zero quality concessions, even with extensive high-quality texture mods.
Under vorpX, and with a totally fresh install (no mods at this point), running in “Lounge mode” and with a brand-new RTX 2080 Super card (approx 2x the performance of the R9 390), with FO4 set to 1080p I’m struggling to get even 20 fps in many cases! Note that I’m not trying to play the game in full-VR mode with massive FOV and huge rendering-resolutions, I’m just trying to get the game to run at 1080p in the virtual lounge mode, not even with head-tracking or anything like that.
I’m not having any problems outside of vorpX – native VR titles run just fine (this is on a Pimax 5K Plus).
Any idea where I could be going wrong with this?