1.) There aren’t any games that “support” vorpx. If you want a list of games supported by vorpx, you can get it here – https://www.vorpx.com/supported-games/
2.) 4K in VR is beyond the capabilities of most hardware, but that depends on the game. It’s rather pointless though unless your headset has a matching pixel density. The oculus rift-s has a physical resolution of 1280×1440 for each eye, so you’ll get a supersampled (downsampled) image at higher resolutions.
3.) Mouse and keyboard are supported if the game supports it.
I’m not an expert on headsets by any stretch, but I’m guessing that pimax 4k/8k has the highest resolution. The tradeoff for the higher resolution is a reduced refresh rate, so you have to decide if you want 4k@60fps or 2k@120fps (just an example – not actual numbers from anywhere).
new pimaxes have 120 and 140 hz modes but at reduced fov, they artificially cut fov higher you go, pimax high fov has a lot of distortion on edges too, so its not really usable to look there with your eyes, but the feel of presence is better and lastly since high res is stretched so wide actual pixel per cm is along with index or even less a bit.
Pimax Vision 8K X ughh ohhh. Much better like valve index.So now it’s clear. I not happy with the whole thing it’s blurry and it looks like waste.
I’m going to return it to the store and buy it Pimax Vision 8K X.