So maybe I am just blind or something but since for whatever reason Divinity Original Sin 2 stopped working for me today (can’t attach to the game anymore) for no apparent reason I thought it was a good idea to re-install vorpx in order to fix this problem. So yeah. I managed to uninstall it and now vorpx wants me to register again?! WTF? What am I supposed to do now? How does the reinstallment process even work anyway? Do I really have to order and paste my own generated code every single time that I want to reinstall? WOW. Not very user friendly and annoying. But maybe I am just not understanding this correctly. Any kind of help is appreciated.
Unfortunately I didn’t try to reset the settings. My bad. Next time I will give it a try before requesting a new kew (hence reinstalling the software).
You only need a new key when the request code changes after reinstalling Windows or changing hardware in your PC. Since that isn’t the case here as far as I understand, the key you got earlier should still work. You can also keep the activation on uninstall, so that you don’t have to re-enter the key when you do a reinstall. The uninstaller asks about that.