Why is Skyrim suddenly limited to 45fps?

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    Used to me that my Skyrim frame rate would vary from 20-80fps and the direct frame rate would be 90. Now, as of this build, it’s limited to 45.

    What happened? How do I disable this change?


    I wondered whether this might be something related to ASW (which I don’t believe I have on Windows 7). So I downloaded the Oculus debug tool and set ASW to ‘off’ instead of ‘auto’, but that made no difference. Both fps and direct fps max out at 45 with the current version of Vorpx and the current Oculus software.


    Disabling FluidSync on the display page of the vorpX ingame menu will unlock the frame rate. It’s still quite possible that ASW auto-limits it to 45fps though afterwards.

    I would generally recommend though to leave FluidSync on until you are sure that a game can sustain 90fps (game fps). Between 45 and 90fps either vorpX or the runtime always create interpolated frames. And 45 stable fps often feel better in this scenario than for example fluctuating 50-75.


    Thanks! I forgot that I reset the VorpX configuration to defaults when I was having trouble starting up Skyrim a while back, and maybe I’d had that turned off before.

    I’ll try both and see which works best.


    BTW, that did solve the problem. I’m getting 90fps (or close to it) in most interiors now.


    BTW, that did solve the problem. I’m getting 90fps (or close to it) in most interiors now

    Nice! Back to tinkering for me, gonna try this out. Do you notice any wonky physics with 90+ FPS? Like if you run into a pot on the ground does it fling across the room and bounce around and kill you? lol With the uncapper uncapped again in VR maybe those ini tweaks will kick in now. Whats you outside FPS like?

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