So I’ve recently purchased VorpX, at the moment waiting on the license key after sending in the request code (though possibly on the forum email and not the email I used to pay), however with the program installed, I have noticed that the VorpX service is running in Windows, which yes, does help with the program, though it leaves a concern.
If I leave the service running, would it hook into whatever I run that isn’t on the excluded programs list, or would I need to start the config or the Start VorpX program for it to begin hooking into games? I only ask cause I’ve been seeing it not play nice with EAC and BattleEye (most likely won’t play nice with COD’s Ricochet either), and I play multiple games using those, though I don’t intend to hook VorpX into them.
Really looking forward to testing it out with a bunch of other games, just want to make sure it doesn’t accidentally ban me in others when not in use.