Will VorpX Service by itself trip Anti-Cheats?

Homepage Forums Technical Support Will VorpX Service by itself trip Anti-Cheats?

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    So I’ve recently purchased VorpX, at the moment waiting on the license key after sending in the request code (though possibly on the forum email and not the email I used to pay), however with the program installed, I have noticed that the VorpX service is running in Windows, which yes, does help with the program, though it leaves a concern.

    If I leave the service running, would it hook into whatever I run that isn’t on the excluded programs list, or would I need to start the config or the Start VorpX program for it to begin hooking into games? I only ask cause I’ve been seeing it not play nice with EAC and BattleEye (most likely won’t play nice with COD’s Ricochet either), and I play multiple games using those, though I don’t intend to hook VorpX into them.

    Really looking forward to testing it out with a bunch of other games, just want to make sure it doesn’t accidentally ban me in others when not in use.


    the service you see running in task manager isnt same as vorpx running and ready to hook to games, it will only attempt to hook to whatever you run if you have launched vorpx exe and have it in tray icon (you can also pasuse that behavior for it if you right click tray icon and choose “pause watcher”)

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