Hello Ralf,
My Gaming PC is running on Win 7 x64.
After updating Vorpx to the current version, not a single game was working any longer. Only when I updated the Oculus software (which really didn’t want to do, since for the first time after weeks of stuttering everything worked fine) Vorpx was working again as usual.
So, what happens now that Microsoft is no longer supporting Win 7 ???
The next update for the Oculus Rift software, as I understand it, will not be available for users of Win 7.
When you release the next update for Vorpx, will older Oculus software versions be supported or not?
I will definitely NOT upgrade my PC to Windows 10. I have about 60 Games installed on my machine, many of them with tons of Mods . . .
Will I be able to continue to use Vorpx without being forced to upgrade to Windows 10 or not?
little Guardian