Windows installer crash after VorpX update

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    Since the past two VorpX updates I run (Including the latest update for Cyberpunk), it would download the VorpX update and then it would run the windows installer. After the windows installer finishes, the installer crashes. Anyone else experiencing this?

    It might be windows defender causing it, but it seems to still happen even when I set VorpX as “allowed threat” since freshly updated builds keep getting falsely flagged by windows defender.

    The actual VorpX update is successful despite the windows installer crashing when it finishes the install and I don’t think there is any corruption since VorpX and its game profile database seems fine but not 100% certain.


    Never encountered this myself. Might be worth to try a full uninstall/reinstall, maybe the installation is borked somehow, causing issues during an update.

    Keep the registration key on uninstall, it asks about that. Otherwise you will need to activate again. Also makes sense to backup important profiles in case you have some with highly customized settings. You can drag and drop them to the desktop from the config app (and vice versa for restoring).

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