Windows update disables DirectVR Scan

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    Well, as of yesterday everything worked perfectly for me in Fallout 3, but as of today DirectVR scans fail every single time. I failed to pay sufficient attention to my Windows 10 updates and it auto-installed an update when I restarted the rig this morning. Normally I go in and manually delay updates for as long as possible, and then do that again and again until I actually have time to Clonezilla my boot-drive so that I have a working clone. But I failed in my duties to postpone Microsoft’s forced and all-too-frequently-destructive updates. I do have a recent manually created restore point, so I can do that. I’ve restarted, yadda yadda yadda, but it does look to me as if the only thing that changed between yesterday and today was that Windows update. (SteamVR also updated recently, but that was early yesterday and things were still working fine after that).

    Any thoughts on how to fix this other than to try and use the restore point? In the past I have not found those to be 100% reliable (hence my preference for Clonezilla), so if this is a known problem with a solution I would prefer to do that.


    In case anyone else has a similar issue here is what I eventually discovered:

    The windows updated either caused a problem with that one specific profile or it was complete coincidence that DirectVR scans stopped working immediately after the update. I checked and found that DirectVR scans were still working in other titles, so I simply reset the Fallout 3 profile to factory defaults and DirectVR scans immediately started working again in Fallout 3.


    Wish this board allowed editing titles and content for a longer period of time, I would go back and title this correctly:

    Fallout 3 DirectVR Scan failures.

    This has once again happened to me, and this time I have not found a solution. The first time (as you can see) it coincided exactly with a Windows 10 forced update, but that turned out not the be the problem, at least not directly. This time no update. No Steam VR update either. No Pimax update. No Nvidia driver update. I have not made any changes to FO3 in any way (no mods, no ini edits, not even basic setting changes). Yesterday FO3 worked perfectly. Today the DirectVR scan fails every time. The prior solution of resetting the Fallout 3 profile to the factory defaults also does not work. I have also emptied the vorpX cache using the menu command to do so. (I have, or course, also restarted the system etc.)

    DirectVR scans seem to work OK in other titles.

    Are there any other solution you can think of before I try reinstalling vorpX?


    In case of failing DirectVR scans a restart of your PC might be worth a shot. The scanner may fail if the memory layout changes. The FO3 scanner isn’t really known to be heavily affected by such issues, but who knows. Also changing the initial player position/rotation might be worth a shot.

    In general: scanning a large amount of memory for one particular address in a fully automated way is a pretty complex, there always is a certain chance of failure involved unfortunately, hence the message in that regard is shown during each scan.


    Oh yeah, restarted plenty of times! Always, always a first step in troubleshooting.

    Still no luck. I’ve tried everything I can think of, it’s basically gone from close to 100% reliable as of yesterday save for that one instance I was able to fix, to 100% unreliable. Tried walking to different zones, etc. nothing.


    One more thing: if only the positional portion of the scan fails, which typically is most sensitive to failure, you can safely ignore that. In that case vorpX will simply use its default G3D pos tracking in Fallout 3 that is active before running the scan.


    I figured it out but I have no explanation for it that makes any sense in my head. The one thing I hadn’t tried was a prior game save. I went back two saves and everything works fine. But that’s utter nonsense as far as I can possibly tell. I tested it several times though, just to be sure I wasn’t going utterly around the bend, and yes, if I load up either of those two saves my DirectVR Scan will fail, even if I walk or use the Pipboy to travel to another area. If I load a prior save things are fine, even if I travel to the areas where the DirectVR scans were failing (around Megaton). Baffled.


    Not totally out of the question that a scan succeeds at one place but fails elsewhere. The memory scanner is a *really* complex beast with a plethora of paramaters that have to be tuned for each game.

    Would be great if you could send me the savegames where it fails to support at vorpx com. I could then check whether I can reproduce the issue here and if so further check whether adjusting some scan profile parameters could potentially help.


    Would be great if you could send me the savegames where it fails to support at vorpx com. I could then check whether I can reproduce the issue here and if so further check whether adjusting some scan profile parameters could potentially help.

    You wouldn’t want to bother, you would have to install every mod I’m using, not fun.

    It’s not the location anyway, that same location has worked just fine in the past and works again now, as long as I don’t use those particular saves. So it’s something specific to those two saves. Very, very weird. If it ever happens again I’ll try and track down if there is any pattern.

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