Witcher 3

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  • #219708

    Hi, I want to play Witcher 3 in VR with the G3D + 6DOF! Which version of VorpX should I use, 23.1.0 or 24.1.0?

    For the script problems, I plan to correct them myself because I have already adapted all my mods to the latest Witcher 3 update.

    I can provide the vanilla scripts in their 4.04 versions if Ralf wants to update them himself?


    I’d like to play with normal direct vr geometry, but it still doesn’t work.
    I use vorpx no beta, ranimate profile, gervant first person mod, fov 80. Witcher 1.31 version. Works almost fine.


    Fresh Steam The Witcher 3 Version 4.04 Installation here. Sadly not working with VorpX 24.1.0 official Profile.

    Script Compilation Errors:

    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(557): Could not find function ‘ShouldAutoApplyOilImmediately’
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\damage\damagemanagerprocessor.ws(562): Could not find function ‘ShouldAutoApplyOilImmediately’
    Error [content0]game\gameplay\effects\effects\other\oil.ws(177): Could not find function ‘ShouldAutoApplyOil’
    Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1513): Could not find function ‘SetAutoApplyOils’
    Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(1515): Could not find function ‘SetAutoApplyOils’
    Error [content0]game\player\states\vehicles\horseriding.ws(141): Could not find function ‘ShouldAutoApplyOil’

    Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function ‘EnableDebugOverlayFilter’ was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function ‘EnableDebugPostProcess’ was not exported from C++ code.
    Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function ‘DebugSetEShowFlag’ was not exported from C++ code.

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