Witcher3 G3D broken

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    @Ralph, today i updated to latest vorpx version. I have witcher 3 Goty installed.
    When enabling G3D even at lowest 3d setting gerald is having two heads its like the wig is on both of his shoulders and geral is bald. I can move gerald and the two hairmeshes move with the body. I tried several fov settings.
    Is the G3D not working? any ideas


    Please disable nVidia hairworks, that will probably solve this.

    Just in case: vorpX should do that automatically normally. So if you disabled the automatic settings optimization, please re-enable it.

    Just in case 2: please never report something as an issue that does not happen with profile settings at default values. Thanks.


    @ralph i have the hairworks disabled in witcher 3 graphics settings already because i remember a posting on that but that did not change the double heads


    If you made any changes in the vorpX settings, please reset the profile to its default values in the config app (trouble shooting page).

    Also please make sure that the game is updated to the latest version, just in case it’s an issue related to changes in the game’s rendering pipeline.


    @Ralph,, yes u where absolutely right with nvidia hairwork causing the tripple heads.
    I checked today and found witcher 3 has not saved my graphics settings, and kept hairworks enabled.. After thwo times unchecking it finally saved the settings and the heads where gone.

    sry for that post


    I know that you like to tweak, and I know that it’s tempting to ‘optimize’ for your own needs, but all I can say, especially after the latest update, is: don’t disable the settings optimization.

    What you learned the hard way in regard to Witcher 3 is true for many, many more games: vorpX tweaks settings the way that are best for it. Disabling this feature will cause you more problems like this one that simply aren’t there if you just let vorpX do its job.

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