Hi! I just joined this Forum and have questions about using VorpX for VR flight sims and DOF motion platforms.
BIO: I bought WOFF-BHaH, CFS3, and Full Canvas Jacket when they first came out but found them challenging to fly with a twist stick. I got into ROF until it moved to IL2 Sturmovik and have been playing Flying Circus in VR for the past five years.
RIG: 2021 Corsair Gladiator; 570 MOBO; R7-5800X / RTX 3080ti; CH Fighterstick and ProPedals; HP-G2.
STATUS: I enjoy FC but WOFF / BHaH II has some advantages. I’ve seen Youtube videos that show how, with VorpX, it’s possible to play this 2D flight sim in 3D VR by linking the G2 motion sensors to the TIR data. That’s great news and I am eager to try it.
QUESTION 1: Linking the G2 motion sensors to the TIR data does provide VR head tracking like the video claims, right?
I’m also building a 3 DOF motion platform for my replica Fokker D7F sim pod and that raises another concern.
QUESTION 2: Will the aforementioned VR system also find and be able to utilize WOFF / BHaH’s telemetry data for the pitch, roll, and yaw actuators of a MoPlat? Has anyone done that yet?