Won't hook ESO

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    VorpX doesn’t seem to want to hook into The Elder Scrolls Online (Steam ver). This was the main reason I bought it.

    VorpX itself is working otherwise; I can get the desktop and it hooks with Alien:Isolation.

    Any suggestions of what I can try?


    try warhammer vermintide profile


    I can’t try a different profile, ESO is one of the built-in officially supported profiles, which you cannot remove or modify the executables to. My problem is that VorpX does not even attach to it.


    you can rename eso exe to something like eso1.exe and make a custom profile.

    what antivirus do you use ? some antivirus dont like vorpx at all even when you exclude all vorpx files from analyze.

    before i used bitdefender and i found out vorpx would not work at all with it, now i use avast and i have no problems and teso hooks just fine.


    Wow, you are right! I disabled Bitdefender and it attached! Weird that other titles worked fine.

    It’s going to need a lot of tweaking. I can’t see stuff that is normally on the edges of the screen, like the chat window and my weapons and such.

    I can’t rename the exe since it has to be called via Steam, but I will fiddle with the settings and see if I can get something playable.

    Thanks for the help.


    I just started a new character with the intention of playing it all in Vorpx. Works good with the gamepad controls


    I just started a new character with the intention of playing it all in Vorpx. Works good with the gamepad controls

    What resolution do run it at? I can’t seem to get my display set to where
    I can see stuff on the sides of the view.


    I haven’t adjusted the previous resolution. I was running it at 1080, assume I still am. I also don’t try to run it in VR mode, I don’t think that would work at all. Either Cinema mode or Immersive Screen mode with Headtracking set to about 0.5. Regardless of rendering resolution you can adjust the aspect ratio to something that can be contained in your FOV. In WOW for instance I have it rendering at 1080 but then displayed in Vorpx Cinema mode at 5:4 aspect ratio so I can keep everything in sight


    Ah ok, I’ve been trying full VR mode, that explains it. I will play with it some more, thanks for the tips.


    Please make sure that the main .exe is named either eso.exe or eso64.exe. If you renamed it, vorpX would not be able to detect it.

    If that is not the issue, there might be some injection conflict with another program on your PC. Typical candidates are: first and formost overzealous virus scanners, also any GPU/CPU utility, video recording/streaming software, messengers and generally everything that can show notifications in games.

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