X axis head tracking inverted

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    Any game I try to play with Vorpx pans left when I look right and right when I look left. If I go into Virtual Cinema mode it tracks properly. Anyone know of a fix? Inverting tracking via the ingame settings didn’t change anything. I have a HTC Vive.


    Did you by any chance disable the X-Box controller override in the vorpX menu in games where it is enabled? Some other user did that recently and expeirenced something similar afterwards.

    In case you did that: some games do not allow a gamepad and the mouse (which vorpX needs for head trackings to be used together. Hence the gamepad is overriden in such games and handled via an internal gamepad>mouse emulation.

    Only Direct VR games allow native gamepad use in such a case. If Direct VR is not active or not available, there is no way to play games that have this issue without the vorpX gamepad override if you want to use your gamepad.


    I am having the exact same problem. Both x and y axis are inverted when Virtual Cinema mode is disabled. I have tried inverting both in vorpx settings and ingame settings. Nothing is seeming to work. Going to try re-installing vorpx. The games i tried are battlefield 4 and the witcher 3. im using oculus rift cv1


    Just tried re-installing and still having the same problem. My x-box controller override in the vorpx menu is partial. everything in my vorpX menu is default other than cinema mode being disabled.


    Please try to set it to “full”. At least in GTA V there seems to be some weird issue with the “partial” setting. Can’t say anything more detailed yet, but “full” can be used as a workaround here, maybe that also works in your case.

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