I know there is an older thread about this that ultimately ended nowhere but just for the record I was wondering if any support for X4: Foundations is feasible, planned or better yet on its way? I for one would be absolutely stoked to play this gem in that one true way of gaming: VR.
I’ve also tried everything to get this game running in (G)3D. But no chance until I’ve found a program called “Vk3DVision”. With the game profile “Half-Life 1: Ray Traced [Vulkan]” from the site https://helixmod.blogspot.com/ you get this game running in a very nice 3D. It’s not perfect (for example the mouse cursor) but it’s the best 3D I’ve seen for this game (no comparison to the flat SuperDepth3D_VR ReShade mod) so far. I’ve played this since months now and in some cases it’s almost perfect G3D (you will see if you try it). I hope it’s not a prob for Ralf that I’ve linked to the ‘competitor’ product otherwise he can delete my post :D
Great, thanks so much for the tip. Which viewer do you use and do you use headtracking somehow? I am on a Quest 3 and my main issue with 3D mods is that I cannot really use them to create a VR-like experience. Virtual Desktop won’t cut it because somehow it starts to stutter like crazy if you lock screen and then enable opentrack for headtracking. GGodin apparently already confirmed that opentrack and VD will not work together correctly, hard to understand why though.