Yesterday vorpX Worked Great with Hitman (2016). Today … No 3D. Why?

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    Thanks to user dellrifter22, I was able to finally play Hitman with vorpx in G3D. It looked and played great. I decided to try dellrifter22’s other Hitman profile, which is in Z3D, just to compare the two.

    I decided I liked the G3D profile better, so I went back to that. Only problem is … now there is no 3D at all with vorpx and Hitman. The image is completely flat. Why? All I did was try a different profile, then switch back. Why would that stop all 3D? I tried deleting both the g3D and z3d profiles and redownloaded and reinstalled the g3d profile and … same thing. No 3D!

    How do I fix this, whatever it is?


    Well, you could try Restore Game Settings or Factory Reset just in case some modified setting has changed the way VorpX is running. I’ve never had that problem. =/ Have you tried any troubleshooting steps?


    Well, you could try Restore Game Settings or Factory Reset just in case some modified setting has changed the way VorpX is running. I’ve never had that problem. =/ Have you tried any troubleshooting steps?

    Other than deleting and reinstalling the profiles, no, I haven’t. But I will try the “Restore Game Settings” option as you suggest. Thanks!

    EDIT: Okay, I can’t “restore game settings,” because as far as I can tell that doesn’t apply to added cloud-based profiles. I think that just resets all official vorpx profiles. I haven’t tired “factory reset” yet but I guess I don’t have too many other options so … here goes.


    I tried the things you suggested. Restored game settings. Factory reset everything. None of that helped. Hitman is still playing in 2D with vorpX. I’ve been a big defender of vorpX online but this is really getting frustrating.

    EDIT: Figured it out!!!! God this has been maddening. I tried as an experiment to switch Hitman to “exclusive fullscreen.” I never changed this setting from whatever it had been but I did alt-tab out of the game once and that was around the time the problem started happening. I think when I alt-tabbed out of the game it changed the “exclusive fullscreen” setting to something else. That’s my guess anyway, because setting it to “exclusive fullscreen” brings back 3D with vorpX!

    Sorry Ralf for thinking vorpx was the problem. Anyway, if you ever run into an issue like this with any game, remember to try changing the fullscreen settings. Now I have no time to actually play the game but at least I know how to make it work for next time …


    Oh, I forgot to mention that didn’t I, sorry about that.

    Most games don’t seem to care, but some are picky. So testing fullscreen vs windowed, AA on vs off, and changing resolutions, are general things to try. A small taste of the endless testing of profiles to find ones that work :) .

    Glad it’s working again. Hitman profile needs to be attached to the Hitman.exe (not Launcher.exe), run in dx11 mode, and exclusive fullscreen.

    So far I’ve only played the demo version, so let us know if full retail gives you further problems. Thanks.


    Oh, I forgot to mention that didn’t I, sorry about that.

    Most games don’t seem to care, but some are picky. So testing fullscreen vs windowed, AA on vs off, and changing resolutions, are general things to try. A small taste of the endless testing of profiles to find ones that work 🙂 .

    Glad it’s working again. Hitman profile needs to be attached to the Hitman.exe (not Launcher.exe), run in dx11 mode, and exclusive fullscreen.

    So far I’ve only played the demo version, so let us know if full retail gives you further problems. Thanks.

    No need to apologize! I should have thought of it too. It threw me off because I knew I hadn’t changed the setting prior to losing 3D, but then I remembered that it can sometimes “change itself” if you alt-tab out of a game, and I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what happened. Good thing to add to the general problem solving checklist …

    Excellent profile, by the way! I keep meaning to compliment you on it. Hitman looks and runs great in full 3D, so your efforts are much appreciated.


    Is this profile good For hitman2?


    Is this profile good For hitman2?

    It’s great! Some very slight distortion around your character in G3D but its barely noticeable and the 3D effect is great. I couldn’t play it without this profile and vorpx now.

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