Two tactical FPS that work well with vorpX. Both have good weapon customization and shooting mechanics, and can be played online. Profiles on the cloud:
Zero Hour (G3D)
**intro videos may stutter and play in only 1 eye, but gameplay is fine. Press hotkey to view in Z3D, or press Enter to skip video sequences altogether.
-use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440)
-set FOV to max 90 in game
-set shadows to Low, 3 spotlight
-turn off motion blur
*I’ve set camera hieght to my preference, but if you use a lot of scopes you may want to reset
*vorpX Shadow Treatment can be toggled if desired
*try Immersive screen mode for decoupled head rotation
*tested on HP Reverb with mouse/keyboard
Ground Branch (G3D)
-use a 4:3 resolution (1920×1440)
-set FOV to max 115 in game
-set Shadows to Medium
*Post processing optional, you can disable if Ambient Occlusion “black effect” bothers
*CTE test branch not yet tested
*tested on HP Reverb with mouse/keyboard