zoomed in issue

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    Im having a zoomed in issue. Whenever im in a game, I could never see the side, above and bottom. With that bein said, I always need to guess where “exit” or “options” or “play” is. Ive tried the FOV and that does not work. The only thing that seems to work is the zoom in configuration in the vorpx menu. The problem about that however, is that once everything can be seen, it doesnt look 3D anymore and that I cant read the words. Please help.


    Please make sure to take a look at the Essential Game Hints guide and the Quick Reference in the vorpX help. vorpX provides several functions that deal with the field of view and other display related things.

    What you are probably looking for is the EdgePeek function (default: middle mouse button) that allows you look around the screen.

    Some games also allow you to adjust the HUD size and depth on the display page of the vorpX ingame menu.

    Adjusting the FOV is also VERY important for a pleasent experience. The Essential Game Hints guide lists the various options you have in this regard.

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