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  • in reply to: X4 Foundations – Support? #221036

    Great, thanks so much for the tip. Which viewer do you use and do you use headtracking somehow? I am on a Quest 3 and my main issue with 3D mods is that I cannot really use them to create a VR-like experience. Virtual Desktop won’t cut it because somehow it starts to stutter like crazy if you lock screen and then enable opentrack for headtracking. GGodin apparently already confirmed that opentrack and VD will not work together correctly, hard to understand why though.

    in reply to: The Witcher 3 – Shadow Flicker #220552

    I figured it out. This issue is actually a matter of the mods near field camera settings. For some reason the artifacts are much much more severe in VR i.e. faster, like a flicker and they are also much closer than in pancake. In any case increasing the near field camera to 0.04 already eliminated most of the flickers without any visible downside so far. Something perhaps to be aware of when playing with the GFP mod. On a side note and as matter of troubleshooting I tried using next gen and the beta of VorpX and can only say that old-gen is so so much better in every way with VorpX. Only thing it lacks is a working y axis lock for the mouse. Maybe Ralf you want to show it some love at some point :) Other than that I am 100% sure this is the best possible way to play TW3 in 1st person in VR and performance is pretty decent on my 3080 too.


    Ok, so I actually found a pretty good workaround to precisely adjust the y axis. The GFP mod has a keybind for changing between 1st and 3rd person. Doing this actually resets the view to perfect horizontal. All you need now is to orient your head perfectly level, which is surprisingly hard when the vr image suggests a different angle already. My workaround, switch to edge peek and orient your head so it is square with the screen and leaves roughly the same gap in the top as in the bottom.

    Once you get you used to it is just a few quick buttons to press and your done but here’s my future request for VorpX:

    It would be super helpful to have an overlay that shows the actual y angle of the headset so that you can adjust your head to perfect horizontal and then quickly change to 3rd person and back for perfect alignment in-game and no guesswork.


    Running classic mode successfully with 21.3.5 and it is an absolute blast and performance is also pretty good, I must say. Only issue where I was wondering if here is a good workaround is adjusting the y axis angle to fit the headset. I am using oculus controllers to emulate M+KB and have put the y sensitivity of the right joystick to 0. That way at least I don’t accidentally change the angle while turning and then for adjustments I just quickly use the real mouse. I know I cannot do memory scan or anything like that but is there some alternative that does not require constant readjustment after I have been in a dialogue or a menu?

    in reply to: vorpx: its only fault is… #219460

    So obviously moving the screen closer is not the same as making it bigger even though it will then fill up more of your FOV, but I would assume it also strains your eyes more. I do wonder what the screen size and distance in VR mode is, because at the end of the day if you take immersive screen mode, add headlock, add headtracking and you got yourself VR mode. @Ralph what distance and scale would one have to use in immersive screen to get the same properties of the screen as it would be in VR mode minus headlock and headtracking of course? I mean alternatively an option in VR mode to disable headlock and/or an option to customize the zoom for edge peek would be even better, then one could conveniently switch between the two without any distortion or warping.

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