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ParticipantHi Ralf,
I’ve been having the same problem as the guys above, I haven’t fixed the problem yet however the nature of the beast has changed which will hopefully lead to a solution. Before this turns into a thesis I’d like to state that Oculus Apps, 3rd party apps (whirlwig etc), vorpx desktop viewer and video player (VLC) are working fine.
I’m running the following:
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Nvidia driver 364.72 – latest non beta.
Oculus runtime 1.3
Vorpx 16.1.2
Avast Antivirus
I don’t run any other apps that hook into the games and I have ensured that Nvidia shadowplay is disabled.Initially I was receiving the “Sorry, we’re having trouble loading vorpControl.exe.” error message however VorpX Control was still running, upon trying to launch supported titles from steam, Uplay I would receive “Sorry, we’re having trouble loading xxx.exe”.
– VorpX was running as administrator
– Tried disabling antivirus temporarily
– Tried Far Cry 3 + 4 and GTA VI completely removed VorpX and the Oculus software from my workstation, restarted and reinstalled both of them with antivirus temporarily disabled. The Vorpx behaviour was more or less the same however the game hooking was completely broken this time around (no more Sorry, we’re having trouble loading xxx.exe). Launching games via steam/uplay would result in generic error messages or time outs if Vorpx was running (installed and running with administrator rights). If I attempted to launch the game exe’s directly I would receive access denied error messages, pausing the Vorpx watcher would result in the game launching normally.
I’ve been looking through some procmon logs for clues, unfortunately I don’t have a sound understanding of what’s going on here but I noted the following:
VorpXControl.exe failed to create these files immediately.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Far Cry 3\bin\d3d9.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Far Cry 3\bin\dxgi.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Far Cry 3\bin\d3d11.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Far Cry 3\bin\d3d10.dllThe farycry3.exe, vorpxcontrol.exe and OculusVR.exe continue after this point. Logs end abrubtly after the initialisation of audio drivers, haven’t been able to narrow down the culprit yet. I suspect it’s Avast antivirus as it’s still got it’s finger in the pie in procmon when its supposed be disabled…
I have found that killing off Avast antivirus has resulted in games working (still takes 2-3 attempts).