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  • in reply to: Best VorpX and Fallout New Vegas Resolution Setting? #208984

    Agree! And maybe mention somewhere that the PC’s display resolution influences the VR display in some way (I’m still not exactly sure what/how – for me it shows up as the HUD display placement)?


    Yes, I was saying make sure that “bFull Screen=0” IS NOT changed to “bFull Screen=1”.

    And yes, it’s handled automatically by vorpX, but it will be ignored if the user is putting “bFull Screen=1” in the falloutcustom.ini.

    Put another way:
    Any changes vorpX makes to falloutprefs.ini can be overwritten in falloutcustom.ini (whether you are using a mod manager or not).


    Hi Ralf,

    I am using Mod Organizer 2. It’s been working fine with the redirected INI files, but one thing that might cause a problem for other people is that vorpX modifies the falloutprefs.ini file (which is perfectly normal), but some modding guides suggest you set your desired resolution in the falloutcustom.ini file. Resolution changes in falloutprefs.ini are overwritten by any resolutions set in falloutcustom.ini. So initially it looked like vorpX wasn’t able to change the resolution, but once I deleted the resolutions from falloutcustom.ini, it worked fine.

    Users also need to make sure that “bFull Screen=0” isn’t changed to “bFull Screen=1” in falloutcustom.ini.



    OK, we’re getting there, thank you both.

    The reason I initially strayed from the Vorpx defaults was that the rendered width was so wide I couldn’t even see the left and right sides of the HUD.

    So I reset everything to the defaults as you recommended, and VorpX changed the game resolution to 3000×2400, and the display basically looked pretty good…but as before, I couldn’t see the sides of the HUD. Now I have a 3440×1440 21:9 monitor. So on a hunch I changed my desktop resolution to 2560×1440 (16:9), and when I launched again the HUD sides were a little closer. I tried 1920×1440 (4:3), and the HUD was almost perfect.

    This is why I get confused. Why does my desktop resolution affect the in-game resolution? Why is desktop resolution never mentioned when I try to get this working? (I’ve had vorpX for about 4 years and tried off and on to get it working well.) I believe I understand that vorpX must render two 3000×2400 images to get the stereo image, but why is it also rendering a 3440/2560/1920×1440 image on my screen – doesn’t that eat up GPU bandwidth?

    Anyway, is adjusting the desktop resolution the correct way to control the aspect ratio of the rendered image or am I still doing something wrong?

    At least I’m making progress – thanks again!


    Thanks for the tips. I’ve now disabled Vorpx’s auto resolution feature and am trying new resolutions with the same aspect ratio of the 1620×1440 you mentioned. The problem I have is that my graphics card seems to be rendering the *visible* image inside what looks like 1/9th of the pixel real estate.

    In this example pic (https://i.imgur.com/dJ5muva.jpg), the resolution is set to 1890×1680. But the image visible in the headset is bounded by the yellow HUD – it’s basically the size of the center square in a 3×3 array. So to the best of my understanding,

    1) The resolution of what I can see is low (approximately 630×560)
    2) The GPU is spending 8/9ths of its power generating pixels I can’t see

    Now I admit I have little idea of how VR works – I know you need to generate a little more than what’s visible for overscan and geometry. But this seems like way too much waste.

    What might I be doing wrong/misunderstanding?

    in reply to: New Vegas – PipBoy too large / close #170687

    Ralf: I’m not taking anything personally, I’m just trying to optimize my game for this new environment.

    One thing I didn’t understand until today is that tapping EdgePeek keeps the display in EdgePeek mode until you tap it again. I was pressing and holding (because EdgePeek exited when I’d let go after a look), so I thought the only way to use EdgePeek was to hold the middle mouse button down while I tried to do everything else. That’s why I was considering it a PITA. Now that I understand it’s just one tap I see why you were saying it’s not that bad.

    in reply to: New Vegas – PipBoy too large / close #170651

    Tiggerdyret – thanks for the tip. I installed FOV Slider per your original recommendation but I’m having trouble getting Direct VR going when running mods so haven’t been able to try FOV Slider and Direct VR at the same time.

    Ralf – has it really been three times? I thiught it was only two. :-) In any case, since I kept reading about how well FNV works with vorpX, I assumed people were *not* having to use EdgePeek every time they opened their pipboy, because that would be a real PITA. It sounds like Tiggerdyret might have a solution to the problem I was asking about. I can try modifying FOV in the ini if I can’t get FOV slider to work.

    I started this new thread because I thought having one thread per issue would be more helpful to other people with the same issue/question.

    in reply to: Technical Overview? #170562

    Just getting back to this – thanks for all the suggestions. I’m going to close this thread and start asking more targeted questions in Technical Support.

    in reply to: Technical Overview? #170442

    Ralf, I totally understand that you can’t explain everything it does – I’m still just trying to understand the big picture.

    So my current understanding is that the way the FNV Pipboy is supposed to work in vorpX (with vanilla game and default vorpX settings) is that when the pipboy pops up, it will be larger than your viewing area, and the player then uses EdgePeek to shrink it down to a more manageable size. Is that correct?

    And the overlay (the data displayed on the pipboy) is no longer “connected to” the rendering of your left arm & pipboy. If this is as good as it gets, I can live with it (as I said earlier, it’s already a miracle how well this works in normal play), but if there’s a way to render the pipboy and its display as one coordinated, visible, not-too-big object, I’d like to at least try that option as well.

    in reply to: Technical Overview? #170439

    Thanks for the quick replies! I just got my Rift and vorpX so I’m still very new to this.

    I was able to get Direct VR Scan to work when I launched a vanilla version of FNV, so I’m making progress. Modded version launches and runs fine except it fails Position when I do a Scan. Getting away from the walls didn’t seem to help, but for now I’ll just try to get the unmodded game working right.

    Along those lines, I have a few questions:

    1) vorpX added iSize lines in falloutprefs.ini to change screen resolution from 1920×1440 to 1703×1362. That’s not an Nvidia resolution on my PC – do I need to make a custom resolution for it? Is 1703×1362 a reasonable resolution? You don’t normally see odd numbers for horizontal resolution.

    2) What other fallout.ini / falloutprefs.ini values does vorpX change? I’m often tweaking those files so it would be good to know what’s getting overridden.

    3) Do I need to do a Direct VR Scan every time I start the game, or does it remember once a scan completes successfully?

    4) What does “partially cached” mean?

    5) Since Direct VR Scan works for unmodded FNV, is there a way to somehow apply that setting to my modded FNV?

    6) My PipBoy is still enormous. I’m pretty sure I could change that with fPipboy1stPersonFOV, but every time I launch the game vorpX changes fPipboy1stPersonFOV back to 47. Is there a way for me to change the FOV?

    Thanks again

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