vorpX 16.1.1 has been released.
If you already own vorpX, it should auto-update when you start vorpX Control next time. If it doesn’t for some reason, simply use the web installer that you received when you purchased vorpX. It will download the latest version available.
If you don’t own vorpX yet, you can buy it here:
This is a major release that introduces long awaited features like custom profile creation and authoring, support for the consumer version of the Oculus Rift, as well as cloud sharing for settings and user profiles. The success of the latter depends on you. Share your settings!
This release requires you to own a Oculus Rift DK2 or CV1, the DK1 apparently is not supported anymore by the current Oculus software. DK1 owners who find vorpX rendered useless after an auto update to this version should contact support |at| vorpx com for a solution.
HTC Vive support is planned but not yet implemented.
Important note for vorpX owners:
vorpX will only auto update if you have the Oculus runtime 0.8 running. vorpX 0.9.1 cannot start otherwise and initiate the auto update! If you already installed runtime 1.3, please try this:
Workaround 1: Use your web installer to install 16.1.1 manually
Workaround 2: Use the runtime switcher linked here to allow 0.8 run side by side with 1.3:
If the runtime switcher does not help and you don’t have your web installer anymore, please contact support |at| vorpx com.