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  • #219236

    I tried the new version and in principle it works and I can play my game, BUT I have some points with it:

    When right clicking on the icon in the taskbar I can start desktop viewer and also enable virtual monitor. When I then right cklick again the text stays the same but works in opposite direction. So “start desktop viewer” will stop it and “enable monitor” but will disable it.
    => Please adapt the texts

    I configured the monitor to only start manual, not by headset. I start desktop viewer and enable virtual monitor using my desktop monitor. When doing so, the desktop monitor goes black. Now I have forgotten to switch on my headset and have no monitor at all and no way to reactivate the desktop monitor. I had to hard reset the PC.
    => Please add some kind of reset hotkey

    When done everything right I start a game with SBS output and … get error messages because vorpx has problems hooking to the game :( I have to click away several error boxes, close the game and “Pause the watcher” before I try again.
    => Please just don’t hook to any game when desktop viewer is on (or does this combination is usefull in some way?)

    Now virtual montior always start in some recomended resolution that probably matches my headset resolution. But I want a different one with 21:9 picture. I always have to change that in the display settings
    => Please remember the last display settings

    Another anoyance is that I need to see the desktop in “normal” mode why the game runs in SBS. I always have to switch forth and back. Therfore my overall wish would be a profile for desktop viewer. Maybe just a desktop mode option in the regular profiles. So when I start a game from my desktop monitor and vorpx is active, it would automatically start the viewer, enable the virtual monitor in a specified resolution and switch to SBS. If I exit the game, all should be undone.
    Alternative would be an extra profile that is only checked (by the watcher) when desktop viewer is active.

    Thanks for reading!


    I use my Quest 3 in a similar way and reading this i’m glad i haven’t updated yet. I watch SBS streams with another app currently.

    Thus i join in on Cer’s suggestion for the desktop viewer and the virtual monitor. Those make perfect sense to me and would help reduce the friction.


    One more thing:

    It seems that head tracking is not working in virtual desktop. The game (God of War) supports Gamepad and Mouse at the same time and using “classic” VorpX headtracking works good. I want the same in virtual desktop mode. The vorpx settings are there (and switched on), but mouse is not controlled with head movement.


    The main purpose of the virtual monitor is removing the need for custom resolutions and a more streamlined experience in general. Goes like this: launch desktop viewer, put on headset, done. No need to fiddle with custom resolutions ever again and no need to take off the headset ever again while using vorpX.

    So both the auto-disabling of the real monitor as well as the hooking while the desktop viewer is active are intended. If you have other use cases/wishes, you can configure the virtual display’s behavior in the config app, but the real beauty of the whole thing lies in the combination of having a virtual display and auto switching to it when putting on the headset. So the default behavior certainly won’t change.

    I’ll check the head tracking issue. Should work normally. Double check whether maybe sensitivity is set to 0.


    Hi Ralf,
    thank you for the answer, but I wasn’t complaining about auto-disabling of the real monitor. I just wanted to point out there can be a situation leaving you without any monitor.
    Maybe you can read my post again and check every point as I think they are all valid, but maybe misunderstood. Don’t get me wrong, I just want to help make this great pice of software even better.

    For example “hooking while the desktop viewer is active are intended” is sure a good feature if you are going to play games “made” for vorpx, but it doesn’t work for games that should run natively in SBS or just flat on a big screen. Since the desktop viewer supports both, it should work. Well, it does work but not as comfortable as I would like. Why not supporting this by having a profile that tells the hooker not to hook? And going further this way, why not have a profile that switches on the desktop viewer and activates the virtual monitor for me?

    What I cannot agree with (or maybe just don’t understand) is, that there is “No need to fiddle with custom resolutions ever again”. How can the virtual monitor know what resolution I want to look at? Even in vorpx supported games I manually choose the resolution depending on the performance of the game, how good the game supports wide screens and if I am playing in imersive or not. I already missed a possibility to define a resolution per game (e.g. as local extended profile setting) before I discovered the virtual monitor.

    About the “head tracking issue”: I found 2 settings. One to switch it on and one for sensitivity. I tried for quite some time but couldn’t make it work.


    The virtual display has all custom resolutions predefined that previously had to be added manually to the display driver to make vorpX work as best as possible, so you don#t have to do that anymore. That’s the original purpose of the virtual display.

    I’d rather have left it at that without any further configuration options, but in the end succumbed to various extra wishes. :) What I can’t do however is entirely taking away your own responsibility that comes with the greater than originally planned freedom to tinker. If you don’t want to let vorpX handle things automatically, you should be fully aware that tinkering with the Windows display configuration may get you into trouble if one of the displays is a potentially invisible one.

    That said, knowing my audience, A LOT of time has been spent to cover all sorts of potential fatal tinkering scenarios, mishaps and error conditions. So even if you managed to disable your actual monitor while auto switching is disabled (which is not really a good idea) and for some reason also don’t see anything in the headset anymore, on next boot at the latest a working condition will be restored. Sounds like this last resort failsafe mechanism saved your day as intended.


    I disabled automatic mode to avoid issues when taking off the headset while playing. If you are aware that this can cause deadlock situations, then I reached my goal to tell you about it. I can handle this myself and as long as no one else report this, it doesn’t seem to be a general issue.
    In fact all the other points might not be relevant if I am the only one reporting it.

    For the virtual monitor I still added one resolution because I like playing immersive in high-res 21:9 as you can turn your head a bit without seeing the border. Thats also the reason why I tried to activate head tracking for desktop viewer (without success so far).
    But I didn’t found a way to have virtual monitor to automatically select it. I do have to change it in windows settings every time I start a session. What am I missing here? I read in your post that the best resolution is autmatically picked. How is that resolution determined? It seems that it just depends on the headset resolution.

    Since there are different resolutions available and you can add even more, how can they be choosen without “tinkering with the Windows display configuration” ?


    The original purpose of the virtual display was removing the need to add resolutions to the display driver that are recommended in the vorpX help. Those are all predefined.

    Both the manual mode as well the ability to add more resolutions on top of that weren’t planned originally and have been added on user request. If you tinker with these settings, you should be fully aware of the possible implications that arise from changing your Windows’ display config.

    If you feel uncomfortable with that, please only use the virtual display with the default setup.


    one thing i noticed in this version is pausing the watcher doesn’t stick. I think maybe whenver you take off the HMD and or put it back on it resumes watcher.

    I do really like the virtual monitor feature otherwise


    Just a quick info: I “solved” my issues now by adding the SBS-game to the vorpx exclude list. This way no hooking occurs and I don’t have to remember to pause the watcher. Then I stopped using the virtual monitor as my desktop monitor happens to have the resolution I want in the headset. So no more changing of the monitor settings.
    Still I would like to have profiles for virtual desktop games as outlined before. But I see now that I made a mistake by believing that my use case is what virtual desktop and monitor was made for. Anyway good that it is possible in some way.


    That’s a bit complicated unfortunately. To keep code duplication at a minimum the desktop viewer itself is a program that vorpX hooks into. I.e. vorpX loads a profile for the desktop viewer.

    To have profiles for games that run unhooked while the desktop viewer is active, there has to be a new preset system that handles multiple user settings portions within a single profile. Luckily profiles are already split into a base and a user portion for other reasons, so the basic functionality won’t be too hard to implement. Still this is not some minor feature that can be added within a few days. The entire profile system is a somewhat complex beast in itself. Database handling, versioning, the cloud profile backend, file import/export etc, pretty much all of that would be affected one way or the other.

    TLDR: Desktop viewer profiles are on the (fairly large) nice-to-have list, but not as simple to implement as it may seem, so I have no timeline for that currently.


    sometimes i cant get desktop viewer in headset without signing back in and out of windows or with a restart.


    24.1 is superb. 95% of games work fine ( Pico4 + Virtual Desktop ). FSR clarity – make me happy .

    1) Please make normal PDF manual. Small hints don’t explain anything.

    2) Please destroy startup welcome screen ( i must press E every time ) for every game. Where is Option for this ? Ingame GUI dont work for this. Tips still appear, even if you turn it off.

    3) Please make normal move immersive screen and cinema – UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. Example – Virtual Desktop and all others VR programms. So simple move screen. ALT+SPACE Center screen – work only for horizontal center. And i have big emtpy space below. And i must show UP for show all screen . Eyes get tired after looking up for an hour. Virtual Desktop, OpenXR, Steam Vr – don’t help. It is not possible to lower the screen.

    4) Please make Automaticaly insert Hooks or insert Hooks before start game. They need to be inserted always. And why does this happen after Launching and Exiting the game ? I think you can insert them immediately before launch. You can make settings in each profile – Automaticaly insert ( and destroy hooks ). And you will save a lot of time and problems.

    Thank you.


    There is a screen tilt option under ‘more immersive screen settings’ which maintains the right angle to your eyes and thus is more useful than simply shifting the screen up/down.


    1) Please make normal PDF manual. Small hints don’t explain anything.

    4) Please make Automaticaly insert Hooks or insert Hooks before start game. They need to be inserted always. And why does this happen after Launching and Exiting the game ? I think you can insert them immediately before launch. You can make settings in each profile – Automaticaly insert ( and destroy hooks ). And you will save a lot of time and problems.

    For what it’s worth, i agree with both points.

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