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  • #219530

    The hooking related wish doesn’t really make sense. vorpX already automatically inserts hooks on game start (and destroys them on exit). Otherwise it wouldn’t work (obviously). The only thing in that respect vorpX *may* do afterwards is that in case the normal hooking fails it displays a trouble shooting assistant that among other things offers to install hook helpers. That’s a good thing, otherwise there wouldn’t be an *additional* fallback hooking method.

    As far as external docs in addition to the in-app tooltips and notifications are concerned: there are HTML help docs with additional information that can be accessed either from within the config app, a shortcut on the desktop or a shortcut in the start menu. I’ll consider adding even more documentation as soon as I get the impression that more than 0.05% of you guys actually read the already easily available information. ;)

    Seph Swain

    Things worked great with 24.1.0 for a while (Windows 11, SteamVR, Vive Index, RTX3060).
    But all of a sudden my situation changed to this:

    Both VirtualMonitor and DesktopViewer stopped working properly.

    The VirtualMonitor can be seen in Windows 11’s Display Settings, but is not used by DesktopViewer.
    It sometimes has a resolution, that can be changed sometimes not.

    DesktopViewer only starts once in while.
    When it does, it does not turn off my physical monitor anymore.

    I tried automatic startup and manual startup via desktop shortcut, tray icon’s right mouseclick menu and via Steam (I added Virtual Desktop to Steam Library).
    I tried all combinations of the checkboxes in the Virtual Desktop configuration.

    Should I maybe reinstall something / everything or is there something else I am missing?

    And I could really use a brief “This is how things should be done and look like” docu, so that I can use VorpX as intended and tell if my system is working properly or not.


    And I could really use a brief “This is how things should be done and look like” docu, so that I can use VorpX as intended and tell if my system is working properly or not.

    I fully agree about the last part. One of the reasons i haven’t updated for awhile is not only that i don’t know what will work and not work anymore (Witcher 3 classic version for example), but because there’s no detailed documentation and tutorials. And when people need to come here and ask the same questions over and over again, it wastes not only the users’ time, but Ralf’s time as well.

    I’m aware that one developer can do only so much, but i wanted to mention this as a point that needs improvement. And yes, i know of the in-built tutorial for the gestures (?) and the tips that get displayed while loading. But i’m one of the people who reads/watches the documentation *before* they upgrade. :)


    @ Seph :

    The virtual monitor is only active while vorpX is running. A few minutes after closing the vorpX control app it gets disabled. That is done on purpose to minimize potential issues with other software or multi monitor setups. Could that be your issue?

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