Ace Combat 7 – HMD not being treated as mouse for headtracking

Homepage Forums Technical Support Ace Combat 7 – HMD not being treated as mouse for headtracking

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  • #213205

    Followed the guide here:

    Guide, Ace Combat 7 for Noobs

    Went through all the settings, and it worked at one point. Tested it out and it was fabulous, and made dinner, but right before it did sticky keys activated and changed a bunch of settings in the ‘Del’ menu. I wasn’t sure what was changed but I figured if I simply just delete and redownload the profile it should fix whatever was changed so I did just that.

    I then went to actually play, and for whatever reason it is not working anymore. It’s not the in-game settings as physically moving the mouse works.

    Anyone have this issue? I hate being so close to getting it to work and then being blue-balled.

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